Dental Fillings

Dental Fillings Near Central Park South

We understand that fillings can be an intimidating topic for many patients and strive to make the process as easy as possible. Our mission is to provide personalized care with a focus on patient comfort in order to ensure that every filling is done correctly and with a lasting result. Let us help you maintain optimal oral health and keep your teeth looking their best.

What are Tooth Fillings?

Dental fillings are a type of restorative dentistry treatment used to repair the damage that’s caused by tooth decay or fractures. They’re also used to replace old, broken fillings or to help restore a chipped tooth. These fillings are made of either gold, porcelain, silver amalgam, or composite resin materials. They’re securely placed in your teeth and can last for many years with proper care and regular dental visits.

When are Dental Fillings Necessary?

At Park South Dentistry, we provide comprehensive solutions for tooth fillings and can help you determine if this procedure is the best option for your situation. Here are some common cases when a filling may be necessary:

  • You have experienced decay in a tooth
  • You have had a crack or fracture in your tooth
  • You need to repair a worn down, chipped, or broken filling
  • You have severe staining or discoloration of the tooth
  • You are experiencing tooth pain or sensitivity

If you experience any of these symptoms, please reach out to Park South Dentistry for a consultation to discuss if a dental filling is the right fit for you. Our team of experienced technicians can help determine the best course of action quickly and effectively.

Simple Dental Filling Appointments

At Park South Dentistry, we value our patients’ time. That’s why the dental filling procedure at our office is designed to be as simple and straightforward as possible. During the procedure, we’ll start by numbing the area around the affected tooth. We’ll then carefully remove any decay or debris from the cavity and fill it with a safe, durable material such as composite resin. Finally, we’ll make sure the filling is properly sealed to protect your tooth from further damage. Our experienced dentists can typically complete a dental filling in less than an hour. Thanks to our streamlined approach, you can quickly and confidently get back your beautiful smile.

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Dental Fillings that Put Patients First

It is our top priority to provide the highest quality of care with a personal touch. Our experienced team is dedicated to helping you feel comfortable and ensuring that your dental fillings are completed with precision and accuracy. If you’re ready to work with a dentist who puts your needs and comfort first, contact us today to discuss how we can help you.